Charles Barkley   3 comments

    Charles Barkley is an NBA legend by being in the Hall of Fame, but unfortunately he never won a NBA championship before. He works for TNT as a sports analyst bringing his knowledge of the game and his humorous personality. He is an outspoken role model because he voices his views and opinion without hesitation of what he believes strongly about. Charles is well-known for his rebounding skills and his defensive presence as a power forward for the Philadelphia 76ers, Phoenix Suns and Houston Rockets. The few outstanding achievements he earns include being an 11 time All-star, 1993 MVP and earn two gold medals in the 1992 and 1996 Olympics.

Although he was considered short to play the power forward position measuring at 6 ft 6, he dominated taller plays by being versatile at playing every position. He brought a new style of playing defense with his rebounding talent and physical plays. His career adversely ended at the age of 36 when he ruptures his left quadriceps tendon, forcing him to retire. Although he never won a champion, he will always be remembered for his accomplishment as a player and the personality he brought to basketball television.

Charles is best known for his outspoken voice in controversial topics, even if it results in ridicule by the media. I believe he is a role model because of his views on life, letting us understand that basketball is just a hobby and shouldn’t regard players as heroes. He even denied the fact that he is a role model, addressing that parents are unappreciated for the things they do and should be the real role models. Charles brings a connection with the basketball world to reality, making sure people don’t get too caught up in the entertainment. He understood the responsibility of being a NBA player that he was suppose to handle all the press conference, engage the fans and volunteer to help the community because they don’t paid them millions of dollars to just play basketball.The press writers are viewed as annoying and horrible people because they always want to write negative reviews about players and consistently following them to ask them nonsensical questions.

Charles was a kind-hearted person and understands that some press writers are “idiots”, but most of them are the nicest person in the world. Karl Malone writes for sports illustrated states, “I disagree with what Charles says in his Nike commercial, the one in which he insists, “I am not a role model.” Charles, you can deny being a role model all you want, but I don’t think it’s your decision to make. We don’t choose to be role models, we are chosen. Our only choice is whether to be a good role model or a bad one.”(Malone). Although he is too modest to admit that he is a role model, he shows the qualities of one such as the affects of his positive influence to people off the basketball court, the time and money he spend giving back to the people, and displaying the values of honesty and determination.

Although everybody doesn’t share the same opinion and views I have about Charles Barkley. Some people view him as an incompetent, ignorant and foolish the mistakes he shown by being arrested for being intoxicated while driving. He is known for being a compulsive gambler and revealed that he lost 10 million dollars and another 2.5 million through gambling. People view his basketball criticism are ignorant because of being biases towards another team and being clearly uninformed about the situations.

A writer for Associated Content from yahoo states, “Charles Barkley is a retired NBA player that never came across to me as a very smart man. If you look at the players in the NBA that complete the interviews you’ll notice they speak as if they are a child. Maturity wise these players are still in their adolescent years most of the time” (Highway). Being a famous athlete he should be aware of the way he portrays himself toward the media and to children, teenagers and even adults. Even though people regard him as a negative influence, in my opinion I still see him as the most influential person in the NBA.

Work Cited
– Malone, Karl. “One Role Model To Another.” Sports Illustrated (1993): n. pag. Web. 22 Jun 2011.                                      

-Highway, Blues. “Why Are NBA Players Such Poor Role Models?.” Associated Content (2011): n. pag. Web. 22 Jun 2011.

Posted June 22, 2011 by michaelching809 in NBA

3 responses to “Charles Barkley

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  1. I really commend you on sticking up for Charles Barkley. Every person has their strengths and weaknesses. As a basketball player, he is phenomenal. But as a person, I don’t think the public will ever really know if he was a good guy or a bad guy. We should appreciate the great things he’s done, but also remember that he’s still only human.

  2. I can see your visible passion and consideration for basketball after reading this post. In regarding Charles Barkley, it is great that you can overlook the negatives that other people may have on him. It is really admirable that you’re seeing something different about him and it really reflects on your interest for the greater good of basketball. Overall, good job!

  3. I feel that Charles Barkley did try to do the right things. But stuff happens and people are caught in the wrong situation at the wrong time. It’s always the good people that get screwed over.

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